Sunday, November 9, 2014

Unbelievable diving swimming baby!!! 2 year old Brahman, Swim & Dive

So most of you will now be reading this to find out what a merboy is. Well remember we ran an article on baby mermaids, which we called merbabies? You know what a mermaid is? Well then hopefully you will now understand what a merboy is. And if you aren’t sure such a thing exists, we suggest you watch this incredible video of Brahman ‘performing’ in a pool like we have never seen a two-year-old boy before, or girl for that matter. This boy is absolutely fantastic and has literally taken to the water like he lived in it and had done so all his short life. He shows no fear, no worries and seems to just love swimming around as though every kid could do it, as though nothing was unusual. However we think this young boy is very unusual and we really want you to see why.

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