Sunday, November 9, 2014

how to stop a baby from crying by Katy Perry Dark Horse

We’ve all been there and we all know the signs. First there is a bit of a grizzly mood. Plenty of noise, lots of ‘chattering’ and then the tone changes a little. It goes from ‘I’m feeling grumpy’ to ‘I think the world’s coming to an end’ in the blink of an eye. If you’re driving along and in a hurry to get somewhere, your hands are tied (not literally – that would be dangerous!) and you can’t stop to give that little person a reassuring hug, which is probably all they really want. So what do you do? Distraction tactics can work well – especially comments like “Ooh, can you see the elephant out the window? Look there he is. Aww you missed him, but he did wave to you with his trunk”. However distraction tactics are often more effective on you as you successfully manage to miss the left turn you were supposed to take back there.

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